SPC XL Frequently Asked Questions

What are the new features in SPC XL 2010 over SPC XL 2000?
- Excel 2007 compatibility and Ribbon Interface
- Support for Unified Menus
- SPC XL has been digitally signed allowing you to bypass the "Enable Macros" dialog.
- Addition of a Paired t Test
- The independence test output has been enhanced
- t-Test, paired t-Test, and F Test include summary statistics
- The Pareto chart has been enhanced to work with percentage data
- Ability to "Unstack" data
- Addition of Main Effects Plot
- Smart Select of Columns or Rows
- ANOVA MSA calculations for one operator or one replicate
- Addition of sample size calculations for single and two sided hypothesis test
Can SPC XL run on the Macintosh?
No. In order to provide acceptable speed, many of the statistical routines in SPC XL are .DLL's, which will not run on a Macintosh.
Is SPC XL compatible with 64 bit version of MS Excel 2010 and 2013?
Yes, SPC XL runs on both 32 bit and 64 bit Excel versions.