SnapSheets XL Software for Microsoft® Excel®
SnapSheets XL is a cost effective easy to use software package that integrates into Excel for Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA), and Pugh Concept Selection. Whether your needs are for Six Sigma, Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), ISO 9000, or general use, SnapSheets XL is the solution for your Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA), Quality Function Deployment(QFD), and Pugh Concept Generation and Selection needs.
SnapSheets XL Integrates into Microsoft Excel

SnapSheets XL Features
QFD Features and Screen Shots
FMEA Features and Screen Shots
Pugh Features and Screen Shots

Download a Trial version 
Take a Test Drive! Download the SnapSheets XL trial version and see for yourself! No registration, email, or hassle... just click and download.

Download Examples 
Want to see what it will look like when completed? Download an Excel Workbook with example QFD, FMEA, and Pugh Templates.

System Requirements
SnapSheets XL will un on Excel 2000 through 2010. Click here for full requirements.
Seamless Integration into Excel 2000 or later
Excel 2003 Integration (click to enlarge)

Excel 2007 Integration (click to enlarge)

Examples of FMEA, Pugh, and QFD
FMEA Worksheet (click to enlarge)
Pugh Matrix (click to Enlarge)
Larger House of Quality
(click to enlarge)

SnapSheets XL QFD Wizard
(click to enlarge)

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