Ensure you have the most current version
SPC XL Update Page
Quantum XL Update Page
DOE Pro XL Update Page
SnapSheets XL Update Page
DOE KISS Update Page
SimWare Update Page
Black Belt Software Suite Update Page
Pro-Test Update Page
QFD XL Update Page
DFSS XL Update Page
Knowledge base articles
Check our knowledge base articles for solutions to some common problems with starting Excel add-ins.
Contact Support
If you are running the most current version and you are still having technical problems, contact us at
Please include the following information in your email.
- The name of the product (SPC XL, DOE Pro XL, etc.)
- Your name and serial number (or CD Key)
- A description of the problem
- If applicable, a workbook that includes the data for the problem you are having
Please keep in mind that technical support is to help you resolve errors. If you would like help with data analysis, understanding statistical results, or help setting up experiments we can provide consulting support. For more information contact
Online Customer Care (online orders only)
If you purchased software
online the customer care center provides status for current and past orders, as well as allows you to
Customer Care Center