SnapSheets XL Software Features
SnapSheets XL Software creates and modifies Houses of Quality, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, and Pugh Matrices in Microsoft Excel. All of the analysis are Excel worksheets and charts, and can be shared with anyone that has Excel. Note: you must have SnapSheets XL Software to make and modify worksheets.

QFD Functionality to Create, Modify, and Analyze Houses of Quality (click here for more QFD Features and Screen Shots)
- FMEA Functionality to Create, Modify, and Analyze Failure Modes
(click here for more FMEA Features and Screen Shots) - Pugh Concept Generation and Selection Features (click here for more Pugh Features and Screen Shots)
- SnapSheets XL Software integrates seamlessly into Excel
- Share work with anyone who has Excel
- Rows and columns can be added or removed with no loss of data
- Pareto results of QFD, FMEA, or Pugh
Screen shots. Click to enlarge.
FMEA Worksheet (click to enlarge)
FMEA Pareto (click to enlarge)
FMEA Right Click Menu (click to enlarge)
Pugh Matrix (click to Enlarge)
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